Wednesday, May 11, 2011

reset: Day 2

As an artist who works for myself, sometimes (well all the time) I lack a schedule. It is partially my personality and partially the nature of the job. So, self motivation is a huge factor in getting anything done. Luckily, I'm a motivated person and most of the time feel inspired to make jewelry or work on the business side of things...

I'm on day 2 of my cleanse and so far it is great. One of the things I like about it, is that it forces me to be on a schedule and therefore it is not only (hopefully) going to cleanse me, it is also going to help me organize my days. I've been sooooo productive the last two days. Yay!!

Including bringing even more new jewelry to Essenza in Seattle, they are now carrying my silver & gold & diamond rings. Retailing for only $90. You can also buy them online here.

This cleanse is not a calorie reducing diet, although, I will probably eat less calories. I'm having yummy shakes with fruits and veggies one big meal a day where I can only eat certain foods another shake and another small small meal. It's pretty filling actually. I hope it continues to be this easy!

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