Wednesday, December 31, 2008

India... here again

Well, I made it, seemlessly!!!

New Year's eve morning. 4:50am. My plane landed and I received my bag. A taxi picked me up and we headed to Mysore.

Made it to Mysore around 8:30am and despite my plans of laying low on the first day, within an hour of being here I had a full day booked. Meeting friends, visiting Kumar, eating lunch, New Year's Eve kirtan (a yogic singing event, from 7-9, for the all the early to bed yogi's). I was in bed by 10:00 and slept the whole night through. Earplugs come in very handy, especially on festive nights when there are a lot of fireworks and loudness outside until the wee hours of the morning..

I was up around 6am for a nice little yoga pracitce and today. My New Year's day plan, is to lay low, organize some of my ideas for jewelry and read a little...

Saturday, December 27, 2008

getting ready to leave again

Hi everyone,

I hope you are having happy holidays...

We are winding down after a week and a half of crazy weather, Christmas gatherings and house guests. Here in Seattle, the streets are now flooding with the snow melting and the rain coming. I believe it is a perfect time for me to take off again and go to India.

I depart Seattle on Monday evening and am quite excited to be back in the land of color and warmth. It is rather gray and cold here.

Thank you for all of your orders over the holidays. I will be very busy in India making all the new pieces.

Be well and Happy New Year!!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

snow day!!!

Seattle has very few snow days...Yesterday, it snowed all day. I decided to take the day off and cross country sky the city streets. It was so much fun.

The street in front of our house is a steep hill. And people sledded on it all day and into the night. maneuvering around car accidents, buses that couldn't make it up the hill and of course parked cars. People were sledding on everything from cardboard boxes to sleds with runners. It was a lot of fun...

Monday, December 15, 2008

tis the season!!!

A big thank you to all who came out (on such a cold Seattle day) to my last show of the season. It was a wonderful day!!!

I am still working and still accepting custom gold orders until Dec. 27 if any of you are interested, please call or email (info on your left). If you were not able to make it to one of my shows and would like to see my new work, you are welcome to contact me for an individual appointment or shop at my online etsy store.

Here is a picture of our little tree.. It's so cute, about 3 ft tall. We've never had a tree before, but it's one of the rare years we are here for the holidays, so I thought, why not get a tree...

Friday, December 12, 2008

getting ready for tomorrow's show

with a yummy breakfast and more new earrings. I've been on a super earring kick lately..these are brass and silver. I love mixing the metals.

hope to see you tomorrow.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
1410 18th Ave
tougo coffee

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

about last night

Here are a few photos from our show last night. Jenna Rose and I transformed one of our favorite Seattle Cafe's (Cafe Stellina) into a boutique of handmade jewelry and vintage art clothing. Several people came to shop, sip mulled wine and eat yummy treats as part of the annual 12th Ave evening out...

Time to get ready for my show on Saturday... Hope you can make it if you are in Seattle

Saturday December 13, 2008
Tougo Coffee
1410 18th ave (Capitol Hill 18th and E. Union St)

If you are not in Seattle check out my Etsy shop..

Friday, December 5, 2008

making, shipping, posting, working!!!

This is some of what I have been making this week. Most of these pieces are available for sale on my etsy site, check it out!!!

Back to work..

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

more on Etsy!!!

I've added a few more pieces to my etsy ONLINE store. All of these pieces are part of my 2009 line and I will be adding to it as the month goes on. All of these pieces will be available at both of my December shows.. (look at my schedule on the left)..

necklaces.. lava, black onyx with citrine and quartz $135.00

ok back to work!!!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Buy Handmade for the holidays!!!

We made it, safely, back to the states two days ago. Thanks for all of your emails and concerns. We were far away from Mumbai, but the tragedy is huge for India. This attack will affect so many aspects of intricacies of daily life in Mumbai, the tourist industry, fear, safety and the wellbeing of those involved. I pray that one day our world will be at peace...

As the holidays approach, in this crazy economy, I urge everyone to consider buying handmade, local, artistic gift items. Think of your local boutiques who carry local artisan designs, individual artists as well as sustainable items. I keep seeing these articles saying not to buy this season, but I don't know if the people writing these things are considering the small guys.

I've added a few more pieces to my etsy site and will be adding more this week. Please check in to see what I have for sale online.

photo is of 4 bracelets.. lava with: citrine, quartz crystal, amazonite, prehnite

Hope you are well...
