Somehow nearly two months have come and gone and now it’s on to the next adventure.
For the love of India… I really don’t know what to say. She has rendered me speechless.
Running from here to there, doing all the last minutes things, I had to do before leaving my second home, saying goodbye to dear friends, packing my storage box, packing my backpack (somehow, the bag always expands, he he), delivering the last jewelry orders and finally 2 hours in my room before the taxi came.. I had a moment to reflect and to take a deep deep inhale and long exhale and create the mental space I needed to move into the next energy.
There is something quite magical about the space in between. The time between places, the movement of travel. It gives us a moment to transition the mind space and the physical space into the next place. I like that time when the bags are packed and there is nothing else to do except, look out the window of the taxi and say goodbye to the land, goodbye to the people and thank them both for their kindness.
I particularly like this when I am leaving India, as sometimes the ride is a bit more harrowing than desired. Like today… The practice of patience and loving kindness can be a bit more challenging in those circumstances, but there she is.. Incredible India, always challenging, always teaching and always loving me back!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!