Social media day. Social media, what is it? Well, in two words; Facebook, Twitter. It's a new way to connect to your friends, clients, community. It's funny how things change so quickly, just a couple of years ago, social media didn't exist and now, it is changing the way we think about a lot of things, our relationship with friends, our businesses, our activities etc.
So, today, I am working on all my social media outlets (of which I have several) and wanted to invite you to take a look.
Blog:First of all you are here, reading. So, if you enjoy this blog, please take a look in the right side bar go down about half way and you will see an option to 'follow' Please check it out.
Over the years, this blog has morphed into a combination of writing about the ins and outs of being an artist, a way to know more about what is going on in my jewelry business and my travel blog. I hope you continue to read and please tell all your friends.
Facebook:I love Facebook! It's one of those things the first time I found out about it, I spent hours finding friends, connecting with people I hadn't connected with in a while. Now, I have a special page just for Karazi Design. You are welcome to "like" the page by either clicking on the like button in the upper right corner of this blog or you can click
here and see the page and press on the "like" button on the top.
Twitter:Oh twitter. Twitter is an exciting fast paced way to be up to date on all the things you love. I follow, travelers, jewelry artists, things happening around Seattle and post all sorts of things I am interested in or think my followers might be interested in. If you haven't tried out Twitter and are intrigued, I recommend it. You can follow Karazi Design
here just find the 'follow' button and click on it.
Etsy:Etsy is my online jewelry store. It has been such a wonderful thing to be able to show my far away clients what is new and for sale at Karazi Design. Have you looked lately? Check it out
flickr:an online photo sharing site. love it! Click
here to check out photos, descriptions and prices of my gold jewelry for sale.
website:with all the other outlets, it seems websites are archaic.. Well, not really. Karazi Design website is in the process of getting updated, but you are welcome to check it out now,
There you have a short and sweet intro or reminder of all the social media Karazi Design is involved in. I hope it helps a little or gets you interested!