Well, I made it, seemlessly!!!
New Year's eve morning. 4:50am. My plane landed and I received my bag. A taxi picked me up and we headed to Mysore.
Made it to Mysore around 8:30am and despite my plans of laying low on the first day, within an hour of being here I had a full day booked. Meeting friends, visiting Kumar, eating lunch, New Year's Eve kirtan (a yogic singing event, from 7-9, for the all the early to bed yogi's). I was in bed by 10:00 and slept the whole night through. Earplugs come in very handy, especially on festive nights when there are a lot of fireworks and loudness outside until the wee hours of the morning..
I was up around 6am for a nice little yoga pracitce and today. My New Year's day plan, is to lay low, organize some of my ideas for jewelry and read a little...